There's one particular scene where Nino and the rest of the CMB are handing out food for Thanksgiving and he has on a black trench coat with gold trim. The collar looked like a black and gold lightening bolt. It inspired me to do this impromptu zig-zag, lightening bolt mani at 3am...
Initially it was going to be just black and gold. But I added the white after watching the wedding scene. The white and black separated by the gold represents Nino's black heartedness vs. Scotty's almost angelic nature and their corresponding outfits.

Damn I love this movie!
I become mildly obsessive over specific nail designs quite often. This week, it looks like it's lightening bolts. As a matter of fact, I'm lightweight obsessed with watching Wesley Snipes movies...
So in honor of actor extaordinaire Wesley Snipes, I am declaring this Wesley Snipes Week on Food & Lacquer Too. I will be posting 7 lightning bolt manicures inspired by 7 Wesley Snipes movies too...
Stay classy.
Peace... And much lacquer to you.
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