For the past week, I've been turning She-Devil on every night to go to sleep to. It's definitely one of my favorite movies (though I have about 30 favorites) and I never get enough of it. In the movie, the main character Ruth, gets all gussied up in this dress covered with Roses. Later on, she changes her name to Rose. Her fascination with roses, and that rose covered dress was the inspiration for the nail design I'm sporting today...

This is what I used:

Orly-Liquid Vinyl
Milani-Tip Toe Pink
Sinful-Snow Me White
Sally Hansen-Pink Slip
China Glaze-Four Leaf Clover
I'm definitely gonna do this again one day. Next time I'll make the roses match more closely with the various colors of the roses in her dress.
Stay classy.
Peace... And much lacquer to you.

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